as much as i love to create some fancy online greeting cards to post them on social media or whats app, i can't resist the old school ones, which will be delivered by the postman...and i love receiving them.
...there is much room for creativity and sooo many options.
i am fascinated by some of the really fancy shaker cards, i found online...and while trying to figure out how to create them, i discovered how easy a very simple version can be made.
...if you have been here before, you must have noticed that i prefer it quick and easy, but still cool and here we go.
so here is the tutorial for a shaker card with only little supply and tools.
this is what you need
- small lamination pouch or any other clear plastic pouch
- selection of various sequins in similar colours and different shapes
- few clamps
- sewing machine or fuse tool
- label maker
this is what you have to do

- close the pouch with your clips, leaving the upper side open
- sew along the edges or close the the pouch using the fuse tool
- fill the pouch with your sequins
- close close the pouch, by sewing along the upper edge of the pouch
- create your message by using the label maker
- adhere the label to the sequins filled pouch
- and ready is the clear shaker card
i hope you have enjoyed the simple tutorial for the clear shaker card...thank you very much for stopping regards...silke