...cartons, no matter which shape or size make great gift wraps...so... why not using milk cartons...both shapes and sizes are just perfect.
there are quite a few options to decorate the cartons...i wanted to keep it simple and chose to paint them, add a chalkboard sticker to one of them and a frame to the other one.
this is what you need
- empty and clean milk carton
- tape
- spray-paint
- chalkboard stickers
- chalk
- small frame
- glue
- scissors
- glue
- scissors
this is what you have to do
- lay your milk carton on an even surface
- unfold the bottom of the carton
- flatten the carton by pressing your hands onto the lower part of the milk carton
- cut the seam with your scissors
- the inside of the carton is now accessible
- for the painting of the carton it might be advisible to bring it back to its original shape
- get your spray-paint ready
- start painting the carton from all sides
- you might need a couple of layers
- get your tape and your scissors ready
- place your gift inside the milk carton and fold the two bottom parts towards each other
- seal them with the a piece of your tape
- place it upright to check if the carton is able to stand upright
- get your chalkboard sticker and chalk or chalk pencil ready
- label the sticker
- stick it onto the middle of the front side of the carton
- get the lid on and you are done
- for the other carton you have to get your glue and your small frame ready
- put some glue onto the entire frame
- press it firmly onto the middle part of the front side of the milk carton
- add the lid and you are done
- you might have noticed that out of nowhere i came up with a black lid...somehow i thought the lid would look better in black and quickly painted one of them...without taking pictures of the process...sorry...i forgot it, i was too excited.
and here the two beauties...i really like them and i hope i'll find the right gift and the right recipient soon.
the inspiration for this post is from here:
the inspiration for this post is from here:
hopefully you enjoyed the tutorial...thank you very much for your visit and best regards...silke