
Monday, 6 January 2014

homemade vegetable chips...carrot, beetroot, sweet potato and radish

...oohhh how yummy they are...oohhh how beautiful they are...oohhh how much trouble they are to make...and still...i will be making them again...just not on a regular base, i guess.

i so wanted to make vegetabe chips for quite some time, but it took me while...and a shop bought bag of organic vegetable chips...i first needed to figure out if i might like the taste.

...i did...went for some vegetable shopping and got started.

sooo many recipes for inspiration and so many hints, so i just had to decide, which one to follow.

...i chose the more time consuming way...but try to skip a few steps next time...i 'll let you know the outcome.

by the favourites are the beetroot chips and the carrot chips...the most delicious and the most beautiful.

beet root chips

 carrot chips

radish chips

sweet potato chips

this is what you need

- raw beet root, carrots, sweet potatoes or radish

- 1 tablespoon of olive oil

- salt, garlic powder, paprika powder

- mandoline slicer

this what you have to do

- peel your vegetables

- cut them in thin slices

- place the slices in a bowl, add salt and mix the vegetable thoroughly

- leave for 20 minutes to dewater

- remove the excess water and wash the vegetable

- place the vegetable slices onto kitchen paper and dry them

- pour olive oil into a large bowl

- add spices and mix it all up

- place the vegetable slices into the bowl and mix until all are covered with oil

- place the slices onto a baking sheet covered with parchment paper

- bake 20 minutes at 175 degrees celsius

- open the oven door once in a while

- the chips are ready when crispy

- the last few minutes it might be a good idea to check the veggies, from crispy to burnt can go very quick

- let them cool down and stow in an airtight container

a few hints and tips

- all slices should have the same thickness

- when using beetroot, better use gloves

- when using carrots, slice them lengthwise, otherwise they'll get too tiny

- when using radish, only add little salt

- change the positions of the baking sheets half way, top to bottom and bottom to top

hope you enjoy the vegetable chips and if you have any hints and tips, how to do them better, quicker, healthier, more delicious and so on...i would love to know....very best regards...silke