
Monday, 24 September 2012

peanut butter choco crossies

most of us have that one special recipe, you love to make again and again and again, because it is just so yummy.

... in my case it is the recipe of those gorgeous peanut butter choco crossies...i used to make them every time i was invited to a party or just a get-together, because i wasn't the only one being in love with them.

now...i guess...i am sometimes only invited to a party because of my choco crossies.

i hope you enjoy the very simply, but incredible yummy recipe.

this is what you need


300g       milk chocolate
50g        crunchy peanut butter
2 tbsp     brown sugar
100g       plain peanuts ( unsalted )
100g       cornflakes

this is what you have to do


- melt chocolate in a double boiler
- add peanut butter, sugar, peanuts and cornflakes
- allow the mixture to cool slightly
- portion into small praline cups using two teaspoons
- place in the fridge until firm
- enjoy the peanut butter choco crossies